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Pistachio Pastry Series 開心果系列
~ Happiness combo ~
HK$318 (Pistachio Signature Cheesecake, 4cm x 7cm + Pistachio Canelé 2pcs + Pistachio Galette Cookie 2pcs + Pistachio Petite Cake 2pcs)
HK$318 (開心果招牌芝士蛋糕 4cm x 7cm + 開心果可麗露2件 + 開心果法式圓酥餅 2件 + 開心果法式小蛋糕 2件)
HK$318 (Pistachio Signature Cheesecake, 4cm x 7cm + Pistachio Canelé 2pcs + Pistachio Galette Cookie 2pcs + Pistachio Petite Cake 2pcs)
HK$318 (開心果招牌芝士蛋糕 4cm x 7cm + 開心果可麗露2件 + 開心果法式圓酥餅 2件 + 開心果法式小蛋糕 2件)
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Pistachio Pastry Series
~ Happiness combo ~
HK$318 (Pistachio Signature Cheesecake, 4cm x 7cm + Pistachio Canelé 2pcs + Pistachio Galette Cookie 2pcs + Pistachio Petite Cake 2pcs)
- All ingredients are top notch materials from Japan and France, giving a genuine pistachio aroma and texture you are looking for.
- Signature cheesecake topped with crème brûlée for a crispy surface while insides is silky smooth texture and cheesy flavor
- Canelé gives a crispy on the outsides and soft on the insides with rich pistachio flavor
- Galette cookie brings you rich buttery flavor and nutty texture
- French petite cake brings you soft, nutty texture and topped with pistachio icing sugar
Individual retail price please refer to respective pastry category for information.
Ordering Details
- Please pre-order 3-days in advance
- Orders placed after 5pm will need an extra day to proceed
- For corporate or tailor-made orders, please email hello@rawpastry.com.hk or WhatsApp 97611638
Storage / best consumption: Please refer to individual pastry category for information
~ 開心果控幸福組合 ~
HK$318 (開心果招牌芝士蛋糕 4cm x 7cm + 開心果可麗露2件 + 開心果法式圓酥餅 2件 + 開心果法式小蛋糕 2件)
- 使用日本和法國的上等材料,帶來正宗的開心果口感
- 招牌芝士蛋糕外層覆蓋焦糖脆,打造出外層酥脆而內層絲滑細緻的口感,帶出濃郁的芝士風味
- 可麗露外脆內軟,富有濃郁的開心果風味
- 法式圓酥餅突出豐富的奶油風味和堅果質感
- 法式小蛋糕外層撒上開心果糖粉,為味覺帶來柔軟而帶有堅果口感的體驗
- 至少3天前預訂
- 請於下午5時前提交訂單 (5時後下單需多加一天處理)
- 企業訂單或自選組合請發送郵件至 hello@rawpastry.com.hk 或 WhatsApp 97611638
保存方法 / 最佳賞味:請參考個別糕點項目的指示。
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